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Avoid costly Mistakes: Optimize your Projects with a Professional Specification!

A complete specification sheet has a positive effect on the quality of your award. The susceptibility to supplements is reduced and therefore you do not incur any unnecessary costs.

Idea / Concept
Contract award
Final Inspection
FTS-Experte Markus Zipper im Büro

Your Contact Person

Markus Zipper

AGV System Preparation and Review of Specification Sheet

You have decided to introduce an AGV system. The next step is to search for suppliers and draw up a specification sheet. The quality of the specification sheet determines the further course of the project. A technically immature specification can lead to enormous time and cost expenditures.

Your specifications are the basis for a technically and economically sound tender, ensuring a successful supplier search and an efficient procurement process. We can help you to professionally prepare your specification sheet in order to exclude unforeseeable problems in the further course of the project.

Review of specification sheet

Preparation of specification sheet

(Prerequisite: AGV Basic Check)

Ziel der FTS Maßnahme

Aim of the measure

Potential suppliers receive your specification sheet with all the necessary attachments and information. It essentially describes the scope of supply and services as well as the processes of your desired AGV system. The more detailed and elaborate your specifications are described, the more comparable the offers of the AGV manufacturers will be.

With ProLog Automation you save a lot of time in the tender process. At the same time, a complete set of specifications has a positive effect on the quality of the contract award. The susceptibility to supplements is reduced and therefore you do not incur any unnecessary costs.

Your advantages

Individual AGV system preparation of specification sheet

You did not find the right offer? Then please contact us. Our experts will calculate your model with you.

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AGV system Project Error
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AGV system documentation
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