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Quick repair as a problem solver

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Due to the direct connection to production, AGV failures are sensitive. Therefore, problems should be solved immediately. Although the manufacturer has done an excellent job in planning and commissioning, and the system and vehicles are stable and reliable, failures can still occur:

Our customer’s AGV system includes eleven magnetic point guided AGVs that deliver car body parts to the production site for further processing.

Due to the direct connection to production, AGV failures are sensitive. Therefore, problems should be solved immediately.
Although the manufacturer has done an excellent job of planning and commissioning, and the system and vehicles are stable and reliable, failures can still occur:

Due to a collision, safety-relevant parts (defective kick plate, bent safety laser scanner), among others, were damaged and a temporary shutdown was unavoidable.

Now a quick repair was needed. As the customer is located in the immediate vicinity of our site, we drove to the site on behalf of the manufacturer and were able to rectify the problem within a very short time.

ProLog acted as the problem solver. One day after the order was placed, we were able to repair the AGV, check it for safety and reintroduce it into the fleet ready for operation.

AGV system - Fast repair as a problem solver

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